
What is the closest star?

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What is the closest star?




  1. The sun.

  2. Our sun and then the next closet star is alpha centauri which is 4.5 light years away.

  3. The one's in your eyes.

  4. The closest star to what?

    To the Earth - is definitely the sun

    To the sun - its proxima centauri at about 4 light years away

  5. Read down these answers to the first one that meets your definition of 'star'.

    My (your) male child.

    Britney Spears (or pick another celebrity).

    The Sun.

    Proxima Centauri.

  6. The closest star to Earth is Sol or the Sun. The closes star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, one of three in the Alpha Centauri group.

  7. The sun. Apprx. 93 million miles from Earth.

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