
What is the combined IQ of the Australian Federal Labor Government, including PM Rudd?

by Guest57407  |  earlier

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Include the females, homosexuals and asexuals in that, too.




  1. Since you asked:

    A combined IQ is meaningless. I think what you meant to ask for is an "average IQ". Given their educational backgrounds and political astuteness, it is probably somewhere in the range of 120-140.

    By the way, why would one exclude the females and homosexuals?

  2. Big fat zero.

  3. I like the idea of a 'combined IQ', as it shows how much nous is around the table that determines the future of our country. Having one 'bright spark' and a bag full of dills won't help us.

    Anyway, the combined IQ is not great, I can assure you.

    Put together a clutch of corrupt ex-union bludgers at an average IQ of about 8, add the PM with an 11, Deputy PM Gillard with 6, dumb treasurer Swan with 7 (3 + 3 = 7), hop-head unco singer Garret with a 3, Which-Way Wong on 12, give the rest a generous 9 apiece, and you'd have an aggregate of somewhere near 450.

    That should get the country moving ahead!!

    Don't forget, someone actually voted this mob in (although strangely I can't find anyone to admit to it)

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