
What is the common food that most people like most?

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What is the common food that most people like most?




  1. french fries

  2. hamburger and potatoes

  3. Tacos!!!

  4. 1)pizzas & coke

    2) biryani(indian)

    3) roti,dal,sabji (indian)

    4) noodles(chinese)

    5) bagels (english)

    6) lasagne (mexican)

    7) soup & bread (french)

  5. Pizza!

  6. In the US it is pizza

  7. Rice.

  8. The answer would be potatoes,in any form ,I haven't met anyone in the world who did not like potatoes or did not consume them in some for or the other.They are available through the year and cheap too.

    A hot baked potato with melted butter,YUM.

  9. Hamburgers?

  10. pizza

  11. Eggs

  12. I guess potatoes in any form. Rest depends on culture, country n choice.

  13. Pasta

  14. Burgers:



    Fast Food:


    ANy thing Actaully

  15. chicken

  16. chicken biryani

    curry rice

  17. chicken and chips

  18. fast food

  19. Pizza! Bread!

  20. Chocolates and Ice creams. I like pizza. but there are certain poor countries who don't even know about pizza. So, in my view, the food one gets when they are really hungry satisfies them more than anything else.Those who eat without hunger, will never know/ feel what i say. You can try one day to keep away from food for quite some time and then when you are too much hungry if you eat, that food will be much tastier. It may be the same food which you eat normally. But this time it will be different.

  21. Burgers,





    Chips, etc

  22. Fast food I guess.

    Did that person say lasanga was mexican???

  23. Beans, rice, potatoes, corn, beef, chicken, pork

  24. chocolate

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