
What is the comparison of how ireland and america celebrate thanksgiving?

by Guest61748  |  earlier

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What is the comparison of how ireland and america celebrate thanksgiving?




  1. Ireland doesn't and America does, is that clear enough

  2. The Irish don't like to celebrate the white invasion of America.

  3. comparison;

    america celebrate it with parties etc

    Ireland, just a normal thursday like every other thursday.  We don't celebrate it here its just an american holiday.

  4. Ahh Ireland the land....1 in 8 Africans call home

  5. American and Canadian thanksgiving days are their equivalent of our harvest festivals ie. To give thanks for the successful harvest. It also signals the start of the Christmas shopping season.

  6. Why would us Irish celebrate the coming of native Americans to America? We don't celebrate it but at Easter Monday we celebrate the Easter Rising and what our forefathers did for us, that is probally the closest thing to it.

  7. Thanksgiving is an American holiday and is not celebrated in other countries.

  8. quite simple really

    Ireland don't celebrate Thanksgiving

  9. Heheh Ireland doesn't do Thanksgiving. We have Christmas

  10. Where did that question come from, not a long thought process involved here.  Thanksgiving is an American Holiday.  It doesn't involve the Irish one bit.

    Like those from Ireland stated, Do U know UR own History?

  11. ireland does'nt celebrate thanks giving we celebrate christmas easter and halloween and saint patricks day

  12. Ireland doesn't do Thanksgiving. It's an American holiday.

  13. Ireland has a festival called harvest but its not that big a deal

  14. We dont do thanksgiving in Ireland at all :)

  15. Ireland doesn't do Thanksgiving. Makes you wonder if you've actually looked up the reason why the States has it...

  16. we dont celebrate thanks giving. do you even no what thanksgiving has do with? why would ireland celebrate it?

  17. Hilarious question! Do your homework and find out what you are celebrating.  We don't celebrate thanksgiving because its not ours to do!!

    We do have harvest which is not the same thing at all but a thanksgiving for the crop harvest.

    Why do you guys not understand your own customs. Why go looking elsewhere when you just dont get your own?

    I'm mystified/

  18. Don't know about Ireland, but in England we have Harvest Festivals in September and October. Each Church or organisation  has a different day, so that visitors can go to each others. There is a collection of fruits, vegetables, flowers, groceries etc, which are usually auctioned these days, either for the Church or a charity. When I was a child these collections were often given to an orphanage or old people's home, but as our social service network has changed, this is no longer politically correct or needed.

    After singing traditional Harvest thank-you hymns, a supper is served, usually a buffet, but sometimes a sit down meal (rarely turkey, that is for Christmas).

    Again this has changed. When I was young it was a Harvest tea, but social customs have changed.  Harvest Festivals are not such big events as they used to be, attendances are dwindling. Most Churches would feature either a sheaf of wheat, or a loaf of bread in the shape of one, but I haven't seen this for years.

    Our Harvest Festivals are a form of thanksgiving for the fertility of the land, and the edibles produced thereon.

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