
What is the comparison of origins of replication in bacteria and eukaryotes???

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  2. Most bacteria reproduce by binary fission. There is only one origin of replication.  2 replication forks move in opposite directions.

    In eukaryotes replication begins at special sites along the DNA molecule called Origins of replication. It is at these sites that the helix opens and moves away from. This movement produces the replication fork. Here the new strands of DNA are added.  In order for the DNA strands to separate 3 types of enzymes are needed. Helicases, single-strand binding proteins and topoisomerase.

    Priming: Once the replication fork is established a short segment of RNA, formed by an enzyme called primase, initiates the process of replication. With the primer in place, DNA polymerase catalyzes the synthesis of a new strand of DNA. The new nucleotides align themselves with the old DNA.

  3. Bacteria=circular chromosome w/one origin from which repl. extends in both directions.  Eukes have linear chromosomes w/ multiple origins.

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