
What is the compatibility of a taurus mother gemini father and aries baby?

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  1. Parent & Child compatibility

    Taurus Parent & Aries Child

    When an Aries child is born to a Taurus parent, this family relationship represents balance. The rambunctious Aries child is always leading the way while the voice of Taurus is the voice of reason. An Aries-Taurus family combination can be a great learning experience for both Signs. This family relationship is very well-balanced. Their contrasting personalities and ability to learn from one another make theirs a mutually beneficial and often close relationship. While Taurus is more reserved and practical, Aries is impulsive and assertive. These Signs are a good balance for each other in that both can teach each other. Sometimes Aries might try to push Taurus into making hasty decisions, but the Bull can usually calm their Aries child and convince them to slow down a bit. Sometimes Taurus can be possessive, which can chafe Aries who has an independent spirit and need for freedom. Aries brings excitement to the family, while Taurus brings security and stability. As Taurus is a Fixed Sign, Aries needs to understand that their parent won't budge once a decision has been made. Aries can learn to have better judgment and to think things through before acting; Taurus can learn to be more spontaneous and discover greater excitement in life. The best aspect of the Aries-Taurus relationship is the devotion to one another and the solid support they both give and receive. This is an excellent balance of energy between masculine and feminine, impulsive and deliberate.

    Gemini Parent & Aries Child

    When an Aries child is born to a Gemini parent, the family relationship constantly challenges their naturally inquisitive and intellectual natures. This family duo enjoys challenging one another in tests of physical and mental strength; such as sports, word games, and discussions of current affairs. When they work together as a team, anything is possible! Both Aries and Gemini have a lot of energy, and working together they can come up with great ideas and common goals. Aries likes the freedom to jump into projects and get their hands dirty. Gemini wants intellectual freedom, and is able to look at all sides of an argument and see Aries' reasons for choosing the projects they support. The two Signs need to take care to avoid arguments that become too involved. The best aspect of the Aries-Gemini family relationship is their ability to work well as a single unit and to compliment one another socially. Though often a stressful relationship, the Aries child and Gemini parent together can learn much more than either Sign would on their own.

    Love & Blessings


  2. Don't fret on such things, astrology is pseudo science and not really capable of making accurate decisions and predictions for your life. Look at yourself and try to find answers based on reality and fact, rather than looking skyward and hoping the answer magically appears.  

  3. Parental Love is unconditional. You might get a little annoyed with your kids sometimes, but you'll still love and support them. Same goes for me and my mum, she's an aries, I'm a Leo. But we still have our tiffs- regardless of signs.

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