
What is the composition of the "solar wind"?

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what composes the solar wind from the sun and why it is deflected by the magnetosphere?





  1. the solar wind is a plasma, or a stream of energetic, electrically charged particles that flows out the sun all the times at speeds of 450 km/s (or 1000000 miles per hour). it is deflected by the magnetosphere because it repels these charged particles away. (say thank you to magnetosphere!)

  2. The solar wind is a stream of charged particles—a plasma—that are ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun. It consists mostly of electrons and protons with energies of about 1 keV. These particles are able to escape the sun's gravity, in part because of the high temperature of the corona, but also because of high kinetic energy that particles gain through a process that is not well-understood at this time.

    Many phenomena are directly related to the solar wind, including geomagnetic storms that can knock out power grids on Earth, the aurorae such as the Northern Lights, and the plasma tails of comets that always point away from the sun. While early models of the solar wind used primarily thermal energy to accelerate the material, by the 1960s it was clear that thermal acceleration alone cannot account for the high speed of solar wind. An additional unknown acceleration mechanism is required, and likely relates to magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere

    your question is very interesting~!

  3. The solar wind is charged particles (mainly protons and electrons) moving at very high speeds.

    Any charged object moving through a magnetic field experiences a sideways force, causing it to move in a curved path (a spiral).  The Earth's magnetic field traps these particles, which give up energy in the form of photons, which we see as the Aurora Borealis and Australis (the Northern and Southern Lights).

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