
What is the concept of Residential and Commercial together in one building called?

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I am trying to do some research on the idea of a massive building or connected set of buildings which would be mostly self suffecient. Residents would live here, work here, buy things here, and have entertainment. Outside resources would be required to be brought in. I am sure there has to be something out there, or the theory of it existing and the challenges it would face, but am finding it hard to phrase my search to find some ideas on the concept. If anyone has any advice on this or thoughts on the concept please reply




  1. in certain  countries its called SOHO - small office home office with all its commercial trimmings that incl supermarche, kindergartens, convenience stores, laundromat,  pte small commercial schools, multi-storey carpark, garden in the sky, some hv swimming pools.  not sure abt night-clubs wh attract a diff kind of crowd. perhaps nearby or  a small pub.  

    this is not new but seldom seen unless we're tight for space.  pple still wanna wander about rather than stay put in one place.

    i've seen something similar in outskirts of paris, singapore but doesnt have all kinds of facilities / amenities

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