
What is the conflict and resolution in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.?

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  1. conflict: Voldemort is back and everyone now knows it. he and his deatheaters are gaining more power. They're not hiding anymore and they're attacking wizards and muggles more openly. The ministry is fighting hard to stop them, but they're not making alot of success. There's a new minister of magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, and he thinks the ministry will have more success if the wizarding world believes that Harry Potter aka "The Chosen One" is helping the ministry. Meanwhile, Harry is suspicious of Draco and thinks that he's up to something. A few incidents have happened at Hogwarts that resulted in two hogwarts students' almost dying. Harry also suspects Snape is up to no good. There's also alot of romance going on. Harry suddenly realizes he really likes Ginny Weasley but she's already dating someone and he doesn't want to p**s off Ron. Ron is jealous of something Hermione did 2 years ago and tries to make her jealous by dating Lavender Brown. It works and Hermione ends up not speaking to Ron for months. Harry is also quidditch captain and has to deal with putting together a functional team, but he keeps landing himself in trouble which in turn conflicts with his ability to be captain. On top of that Harry is taking private lessons from Dumbledore so that he can learn how to defeat Voldemort. Alot of other stuff happens and the school is broken into by death eaters. Dumbledore is killed. His murderer Snape and Draco escape.

    Resolution: Harry realizes that he's on his own and he alone has the knowledge and skills to defeat Voldemort and it has to be done immediately before more people he cares about dies. Harry also realizes that he can't stay with Ginny because that will endanger her life. He also wants to leave Ron and Hermione but they tell him they are going with him on his long, treacherous journey and there's nothing he can do to stop them. Half Blood Prince is like the pre-quel to Deathly Hallows basically.  

  2. The conflict is between Man vs Man aka Harry and Snape.

    Harry has everyone looking over him as he becomes more self aware of what is in his future.

    The resolution is when Harry finally excepts his fate and the climax is when Albus falls off the tower.

    Hope this helped.

  3. Well, there are many story arcs in Harry Potter.  Actually, there is no real resolution in HBP, if you view the book through Harry's eyes.  Part of that is because the 6th and 7th book, plot-wise operate really as one very long book that spans two years of time.

    There are little conflict-resolution arc, like Harry's conflict over Ginny, and that resolution, but that resolution becomes a conflict again when he split up with her.  And Ron/Hermione doesn't resolve until the end of DH, etc.  To look at the conflict and resolution, we must view HBP through Draco's eyes.

    Conflict: Draco must kill Albus Dumbledore

    Resolution: Snape eventually kills Albus for Draco.

    It's a simple as that.  Taking HBP alone, and ignoring everything else, the biggest plot arc belongs to Draco.  Sure, Harry gets tons of smaller arcs, getting the memory from Slughorn, his feelings for Ginny, unraveling Voldy's past, escaping from the cave, but everything really ends badly for Harry, except the memory, I guess.

    The only big resolution Harry gets is his mentor dying, and what conflict was there that is made better by Albus dying?

    Draco's conflict.

    So, in summary, the conflict and resolution in HBP belongs to Draco, not Harry, and revolves around killing Dumbledore, and the resolution is Snape stepping in and killing him.

    All of Harry's conflicts about Snape, Voldemort, horcri, etc. are resolved in DH.

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