
What is the connexion between Atlantis, Los Atlantes & The Mayas - Itzaes Civilizations ?

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  1. hahaha oh my God you don't know????

  2. NONE

  3. Hmmm pseudoarchaeology without any verifiable archaeology to test the hypothesis against. I mean take a team of underwater archaeologists down to the Yucutan peninsula and do a exploratory set of dives. If there are facts then bring those to the table to be debated, but so long as we are just flinging around hypotheticals and speculation we could go around in circles like a dog chasing his tail… The only fact that we have to crunch in the article is their statement “Libya was the Greek name for the whole of Africa. Both Americas are greater in size than Africa and Asia combined.” Since Asia is 43,810,000 sq km, and Africa is 30,370,000 sq km, North America is 24,490,000 sq km and South America is 17,840,000 sq km, it is a “no-brainer” that Asia and Africa are much more when combined then North and South America combined. Even the literal translation of Libya itself at 1,800,000 sq km combined with Asia is larger then North and South America combined. Of course since Asia all by itself is larger then the two combined it is not hard to add anything with Asia and still be ahead of the America’s combined 42,330,000 sq km. If the article’s speculation is ads up as well as its verifiable facts, well then I would say that we are in trouble already!

  4. People tend to have an avid imagination on all of the three.

    Atlantis, you know.

    The mayas, people say that they disappeared, that their prophetic calendar tells the end of the world is near, etc (not true)

    The atlantes, they don´t know much of them so they link the huge representations with giants, etc.

    great article, very funny.

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