
What is the consenques of usin drugs for teens,what should be done for this social problem?

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What is the consenques of usin drugs for teens,what should be done for this social problem?




  1. Some teens are irresponsible with drugs and make them look bad for everyone. Independent studies found that the government was giving schools false information about many drugs, claiming them to be more harmful than they really are. Anything can be overdone!

  2. Drugs...not only do they effect you in your teenage years it can also effect you through out your life.

    It can give you brain damage and can cause many problems with your body.

    Because most teens go to school i think that schools should hire a person to come to talk to them and show them pics and movies e.c.t so they could reconciler.

    also should have therapists.

  3. i think that the community should start by finding the supplier .

  4. brain damage, and lack of caring....... but im a firm believer in the fact that it only goes as far as you let it, and that you must remain in control or you will loose control of your entire life.

  5. bob marley said something about the herb healing the nation and alcohol destroying it.

    i dont know if this is true and do not do drugs...but maybe the government should think more about alcohol than they do about drugs.

  6. It's only a social problem because they are illegal. The thing is, with alcohol, there are social do's and don't's. There are rules as to what is acceptable behavior regarding the consumption of alcohol. So if someone sits at home all day drinking, we can all agree that there is a problem, because socially, we recognize that this can be debilitating. But if they have a beer every night or party on the weekends, we say "oh, that's ok."

    With drugs, there is no social acceptability outside of certain communities. there is no larger frame of reference from which we can draw conclusions about what is ok and not ok.

    Everyone has a stereotype in their mind of the marriage that failed because of a drunk spouse, but only certain portions of the population can say that they remember a relationship failing bcause their dad smoked too much dope.

    Legalization and regulation are perfectly acceptable ways of dealing with this "social problem" as you call it.

    If people become educated about drugs, learn how to use them responsibly, and develop a frame of reference in their lives for acceptable drug use, people would not have a problem, but another thing to do at cocktail parties. Government regulation would also cut back on drug related crime, as distribution could be mainstreamed, and taken out of the hands of gangs.

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