
What is the consequence for breaking a teaching contract?

by Guest10723  |  earlier

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I am new to NJ and have signed a 3 year contract with a school district here. I am not tenured, as I have just moved to NJ. I have 10 years of teaching experience from previous states and am interested in a different teaching position from a different school district. What happens if I leave my current school district in order to pursue the other teaching job? What are the consequences? Am I able to even do that? Please, someone with union experience and/or a long teaching career that has experience with this question, please help me.




  1. Districts can pursue the matter up to the credentialing board. You could have your credential revoked.

    See your contract, it spells it out.

  2. A stern lecture from a very sad and dissappointed Willard Scott.  It's not worth it.

  3. Try asking the administration about it.  Sometimes what is written in the contract isn't necessarily something they'll hold you to--especially if they have other people available for the job.  

    I've known of teachers who had signed contracts but then got great offers elsewhere and the administration just released them from the contract.  On the other hand, I've known of teachers who got great offers and wanted to go elsewhere and the school that they were at refused to let them go and they were stuck working out their contract.

  4. A 3-year contract?  Really??  Hmm.  I've never heard of more than a one-year contract prior to receiving tenure.

    Your contract should stipulate the consequences...have you read it?  Really, though, the consequences are usually minimal.  A bad reputation in the district you left, for example.  You might also want to accept the fact that they will probably find out you're interviewing -- everyone knows someone in another district, and it will likely get out.

    You are planning on finishing out the school year, right?  Give them plenty of notice and there shouldn't be a problem.

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