
What is the conversion of one Colombian Peso to an American Dollar?

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What is the conversion of one Colombian Peso to an American Dollar?




  1. Right now it is about 2224 Colombian pesos to $1.00. Go to Yahoo and type "currency exchange rates". you'll get the exact rate daily. This exchange rate is also listed in the daily papers in Bogota so you'll be able to keep up with any changes. There won't be too much of a change.  Most place there will give you an exchange rate of 2000 to 1 so it is better to use an ATM, go to a bank, or make your exchange in the airport in the U.S. before you leave. Typical taxi ride is usually 20,000 Col. pesos (about 10 bucks)

  2. There are 2,215 pesos to the dollar.  Just think of it as a little over 2,000.  When you are doing all your online booking for Colombia, just put the amount in the currency convertor.  I use

    Happy Travels!!

  3. Try this online tool:

  4. Please be noticed that this will be the most usefull and easy answer you will receive:

    Try this URLs:

    1.  There is a small window scroll down to the right that says "Indicadores POTAFOLIO". find the TRM index and.... VOILÁ!!

    2. The same information in At the top of the page there is a blue window at right. Look at the "Tasa de cambio - TRM" index. In this site you may also find the FX rates series since 1990.

    I am completly sure this is all you need.

  5. Now, It is around COP$2300 FOR USD $1

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