
What is the conversion rate of peru money to american money?

by Guest44900  |  earlier

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What is the conversion rate of peru money to american money?




  1. Today is S/3.14 = $1

  2. I'm showing the conversion ofPeruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN)  to US dollars at 3.19

  3. 1 PEN= .316621 USD

  4. Hi! Peruvian money (Nuevos Soles) is having just a few variations for the last months regarding to American money (USD) as it is 1 USD = 3.16 PEN As the experts say it will remain the same at least for some time.

  5. Today the rate was 3.19 soles to 1 dollar. It fluctuates between 3.2 and 3.19 soles per dollar. It is quite stable now.

  6. I was there about 3 weeks ago and the rate was varied between 3.15 and 3.55 depending on where you made the exchange

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