
What is the correct age to enroll your child in public school?

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Where do I find out when to enroll him. He is 3 going to be 4 in January. I love in Waco, Tx...




  1. He will be old enough for kindergarten, by most standards, in the 2009-2010 school year. So enroll him some time around spring of 2009.  For now consider preschool. He's more likely to succeed in school if he gets a good head start.

  2. Hi!  I think there are different ages for various states, but here in CA, a child has to be 5 by December 3.  CA schools are real sticklers about that one.  I have worked with many kids who just missed that cut off and went through an extra year of preschool.  The plus is that if your child is in preschool, they will tend to be very strong when they enter Kindergarten.

    I hope this helps.  Take care.

  3. Contact your local school district.  As stated above, California requires a student to be 5 by December in order to be in kindergarten.  In Florida, a child must be 5 on or before Sept 1 to enroll in kindergarten.  Your local school district can give you accurate information for your area.

  4. aww why do you want your baby to go to school so early? I too put my son in preschool when he was 4 and I regret not keeping him at home with me as long as I could. It varies from state to state. Ask the Board of Education in your county.

  5. Have you considered homeschooling? It has a lot of benefits.

  6. Most children enter kindergarten at about age 5. Different districts have different cut-off. For instance, in the district where I live kids have to be 5 by 12/1/07 to enter kindergarten this September. Call your local district to find out their policy.

  7. as i have came on my mind the correct age to enroll your child is 4 yrs old becouse 4 yrs old can analized, and increas hie/her psychosocial abilitys

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