
What is the correct fertilizer for a japanese maple.?

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What is the correct fertilizer for a japanese maple.?




  1. Any good NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) fertiliser will feed your tree and provide the extra nutrients it requires to keep it strong and healthy.

    For my maples, I use a liquid Bonsai food that contains these in a good proportion - you can even buy them for specific genus of plants and shrubs/trees...

    For the soil, I ensure that it is quite well gritted and contains a good meal of bone and is of a "composty" texture, such as J Innes No 2.

    If your tree is outside, dig a small amount and mix this in with it's surroundings - it'll encourage lateral root growth (the tap root takes care of itself...).

    If your maples are in pots, ensure that their soil is changed every year, outside of the growing season - be careful with the rootball...

    I don't think there is a "correct" fertiliser, but all my Maples are thriving so much better since I changed to using a liquid feed.

    I mix it in with the water when I give them their evening drink.

    Twice a week is enough - you can hurt the roots by overfeeding...


    "will do"..?

    Plants are alive too... They are not something that, if they die you say "oh well..." (though you may) - they require as much care as you or I do, if out of their natural enviroment, and just because they can't talk or wag their tail doesn't mean they don't interact.

    Keeping a plant is a wonderful thing - give them what they need and they will give it you back tenfold.

    A most rewarding relationship for both parties.

  2. average NPK fertilizer will do.

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