
What is the correct name for a "plant shelf"?

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I have a shelf in my living room that I call a "plant shelf". It is actually part of the wall in my vaulted ceiling living room and is probably at least 12-14 feet from the floor. Does anyone know the correct terminology for this "shelf" or have any ideas of what I could put on it instead of real OR fake plants?




  1. I agree with Rachel - built-in shelf for the name. You can put anything on it - books, collections, whatever catches your fancy! But something large enough to be seen down below! While you're at it, try to make it something that won't show the obvious dust, or at least won't be difficult to dust when it does show it. Is the shelf the length of the wall, is it all around the room on all walls, or is it just a few feet long? How deep is it? There's always baskets, if you like that. Or artwork. Portraits. Sculptures. Decorative plates. Feathers - ostrich or peacock or quail feathers in a vase or pitcher - or ornamental grasses. Or mix it up, stack 3 or 4 old books with blue & green bindings, than a vase of peacock feathers, then a decorative glass piece in a brilliant green or blue. It'll stand out from so high up. There are really no rules anymore, as long as you like it. Try something that you like; if it 'works' for you, then keep it there!

  2. I think it's just a "built in shelf". You could put anything you want - picture frames, vases, candles, decorations etc.

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