
What is the correct pronounciation?

by Guest33488  |  earlier

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Why do people call a padda (frog in English) a parra in Afrikaans?




  1. I pronounce it like I spell it, Paddas. Everyone I know says paddas. Don't know where the parras come from. It could be that English people pronouncing it in Afrikaans could be saying parras, but I have never heard that pronunciation.

  2. I think it is just a lazy way of speaking.  It takes a few more muscles to form the "d", than the "r". Try it out. With padda you have to open up your mouth a bit wider and put the tip of the tongue against the top gum, and parra comes out with slightly less effort.  Also, start saying padda over and over, and faster and faster, and you will catch yourself saying parra.

    Die juffrou vra die kinders om "padda" uit te spreek. Almal spreek dit mooi uit behalwe Andrew wat heeltyd "parra" sê. Die juffrou is later moedeloos en vra hom om "padda" te sê soos sy pa dit sou sê.

    "Doos juffou!!!"  Translation: The teacher in school also has  problems getting Andrew to pronounce the parra correctly.

  3. There are paddas and then there are parras. Not the same thing. Lol

  4. I loikes parras. Vey givs me alodda fun! I loikes to be playingk wiff parras.

    Edut: But I dont smaak MAMparras!

  5. I think it might have something to do with the "silent d" - I think you do actually pronouce it padda but just sounds like parra.

    Joke for you: What do you call a frog in a wheelchair - a paddaplegic? (it is a joke in case some people may be offended)

    Hennie - playing with paddas gives you warts.......

  6. Hm mm, I guess I may have been incorrect or over judgemental in my assumptions and accusations that Afrikaans is not a very descriptive and elegant language last week.......

    Parra does seem to describe the common "frog" very well indeed although not as beautifully or delicately as may be deserved (on a case to case basis obviously).

    Hennie, yes, I also have experienced the joys of playing with frogs and no Redhead, the warts infection is surely only a myth unless you're caught out playing with the wrong frog?

  7. I guess it's the same reason why some people pronounce 'party' like 'pardy'.

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