
What is the correct style of running? Heel up or heel as close to the ground as possible?

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And should the heel be touching the ground or not? All my life I've been running with my heels like 5 inches above the ground the entire race. After the race, my legs would be in so much pain--sometimes so painful that it's hard to even walk. It was painful to the point that I literally quit running. But now, I want to start running again--nine years later. Please help. I need all the advice that I can get to be a runner again. Thanks in advance.




  1. your probably flat footed like me. try to be smooth and let your heels almost touch the ground but not quite. try to spring off with your calf, and not just focus on keepin them high

  2. For sprints heel up and run on your toes this helps with speed

    for long distance heel down this helps keep a steady pace.

  3. yah im flat footed too like that other dude i sprint fast i run on my toes but when jogging i go heel first because jogging on your toes can be bad 4 you

  4. you always run on your toes...

    my coach told me to this, because running on your toes creates more push and flick off the ground.

  5. first guy is right but if you feel better with it try landing on the little balls on your feet where the toes start. also have someone time you four times(two on toes and two on balls) and see which one works better.

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