
What is the correct term for several baby birds that are all in the nest at one time?

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What is the correct term for several baby birds that are all in the nest at one time?




  1. clutch

  2. catfood?

    Clutch is the correct answer, hadda be a smart azz...

  3. a group of eggs in a nest = clutch

    a group of nestlings in a nest = brood

    babies who have left the nest = fledglings

  4. Brood or nestlings....they are only fledglings once they leave the nest.

  5. Fledglings in a clutch.

  6. A Clutch.

    If they are fully feathered they are a Clutch of Fledglings.

  7. This would be know as a clutch. I am a love bird breeder so I use the term a lot.

  8. A clutch is the number of eggs in the nest. A brood is the correct term for a group of baby birds.

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