
What is the correct term for the boats that take you from a cruise ship ashore?

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What is the correct term for the boats that take you from a cruise ship ashore?




  1. The correct term is a answer

  2. tender

  3. A tender.

  4. Yes it is called a tender and I will tell you why...

    A regular life boat has one propeller

    A tender has two propellers

  5. A launch

  6. Tender or landing craft

  7. A 'Tender' - final, final answer!

  8. Well I have to join the fun even though you got the answer...My final answer is............TENDER

  9. They are called Tenders.  See's_tend...

  10. I second that, they are called tenders

  11. the vessel that you take from ship to shore is called a tender.

  12. i think its tender boat

  13. Are you talking abiout tendering? They use their lifeboats but their called a tender because you ahve to tender out there and they always say catch a tender boat before so and so time. IM not sure but thats what I heard.

  14. tendors i think

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