
What is the correct way to pronounce the word 'for'?

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I always thought the word should be pronounced just like the word 'fore' or 'four'. But someone is telling me it is also correct to say 'fer'. Would you please leave a link for me to prove the answer to this question one way or the other? Thank you very much.




  1. Fer is a red neck, incorrect American pronunciation and it is not said like this anywhere else in the World.

    For is pronounced like or with an f in front

  2. Who ever told you that must have been from NC... fer-real                   drawim

  3. It is often pronounced 'shorter' than fore or four, by almost running it into the next word.

    e.g. For example (with a slight pause), ferexample or even f'rexample (sound like one word). For instance is another one. Local accents come into play as well – not only American; British too.

  4. 4, 40, 400, 4000, forever.

    Thats the way i was raised to say it. To say it bold. Not sure if it is the correct way to say it though. But how can there really be a correct way to say it. To me its like asking is it The or Thee. I guess it sort of depends on the accent or time era.

  5. You were right ... it is for like fore or four ...

    However regional (U.S.) accents often pronounce it 'fer'.

    For is better diction than fer however.

    for: fawr; unstressed fer

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