
What is the correct way to return one's change?

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I'm an oldtimer. Before computers in America, one would always give you the hard money/coins 'first', and then the paper bills. Use to count 'backwards' making change. Back when, it would have been an insult to stack coins on top of paper bills when making change. The old way, you'd get the coins in the web of your hand first, and then you'd have your pinchers/fingers for the paper bills. Then easily put the paper in your wallet, and coins wherever? At a drive thru, with your left hand, you didn't have money falling and bills blowing away. Who started this nonsense of stacking coins on top of paper, and then this balancing act?? I think it comes from the Middle East culture, but not sure? How can I get America back to the "right" way of making change?




  1. I really don't think you are going to be able to change this. But the middle east has nothing to do with it. It is simply that since the registers do the math for the employees, the art of counting back change is being lost. When I worked in restaurants/stores/ect I would still count back the change to be sure. But most people would just look at the register see how much change.

  2. Well, I'm an old-timer too.  I hate it when they put the coins on top of the bills.  The coins usually roll off and then I'm out my money.

    And no one seems to "count back" the change anymore.   I think the only way to get this happening again is to write the Fast Food companies or get the major news/broadcasting media to run a story about this phenomenon.  It's probably a symptom of the poor education system in American:  Kids can't count anymore.

  3. That's interesting. I'm a cocktail waitress so I usually count out my own change. If a drink is 5.25 and they hand me a 10 I won't use a computer I'll just make the change and hand it them. Usually I'll say "There's 4.75". But I always give the bills back first. When i try to give them the change they usually motion for me to keep it while giving me an extra buck or two, you know?  I never thought about how that might annoy people.  

    I don't know how you could get America back to the "right" way though. Maybe just always put your hand in a cup when receiving change? So they know that's where the coins go?

  4. People don't know how to count change anymore with the computer doing it.  I'm curious how you think this comes from a culture.  I think it comes from computers.

  5. The true answer is, we caused this ourselves.  In our light speed life, where we want everything NOW, there is no time to count back change.  It also goes hand in hand with the inability of our schools and parents to teach our children how to properly function in the work environment.

  6. So I'm not the only one!   lol    Another thing that drives me crazy is they can't count. and when you question them about it they cop an attitude .And if theres a mistake they have to get the manager.If the register doesn't tell them how much to give back, lord only know what will happen.

    I blame this on the use of calculators and computers. An our school systems that are failing to teach these children the basics. All they worry about is teaching them a foreign language when they are in kindergarten....

  7. Change first in hand...than bills on top.

    I used to do it that way, due to the sliding of coins...

  8. I prefer coins first, then bills.

  9. Never happen. It's just not that great deal. Me thinks you have too much time on your hands if this is what you're worried about.

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