
What is the cost in becoming a tatoo artist?

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What is the cost in becoming a tatoo artist?




  1. I don't think it really costs anything other than a ton of hard work, artistic talent and your time.  Maybe a few bucks for some equipment and any necessary licensing.

  2. If you are talking purely financial, as far as the equipment needed, you can get decent machines, power supply, necessary sanitation products and pigments, for around 1500 bucks.

    As far as the cost of being able to use all that stuff well? Lots and lots of hard work and time.  Get a good apprenticeship at a reputable shop... theyll teach you all you need to know about sanitation, tattooing, and most importantly, scrubbing tubes ;-)

  3. It could be a very costly endeavor.  You need to be prepared to pay for an apprenticeship - figure 3-5K easily.  Very few real artists are giving away free apprenticeships for slave labor anymore.  This is a business and far too many people are flooding the market poorly trained with substandard skills.  

    You need flexibility in a job so you can be at the tattoo studio enough to really learn - for many that is a job change to part time so you need savings enough to live off of.  You will also need money for all your gear.

    Now if the studio you would be apprenticing in would be taking you on as an artist, that is great but if you can't get into a shop and have to go out on your own, that is a huge and expensive undertaking - min. 10-20K depending on how much needs to be done to the space. I was considering moving this summer and estimated my move to cost 40K.

    The shop failure rate is very high when the artist is new in the trade.  Then you have to think about advertising costs because you don't have any word of mouth clients at an early stage.

  4. are we talking a garage tattoo shop?  your ambition is applaudable, but i wouldn't go that route if i were you.  if i was serious about being a tattoo artist, i would find a shop to work at first.  get better at tattooing, build more experience.  learn some tips and tricks from the veterans.  once you've been there for about 5 years, than open your own place.  what that does it not only make you a better tattoo artist, but customers who love your work will follow you there.  smart people get referrals for tattoo artist, this is permanent, i'm not going to any joe shmoe who has a tattoo gun and a bunch of horrible homemade tattoos all over his body.  think about it.

  5. Well quite expensive actually

    my bf wants to study and open his own parlor.

    i bought him a practice kit off ebay. its good, comes with machines ink fake skin and loads of stuff, the kit cost me 150 euros.

    we have also been looking at doing the course and getting a diploma in tattooing. this course cost 3000 euros.

    these prices are for spain so im not sure about your country.

    look on google at courses in your town.

    good luck!


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