
What is the cost of Joy?

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Have you ever thought of the price that must be paid in order to have joy?

Who must pay the price in order for you to have joy in your heart?




  1. often it is a false priority of self or a negative image of self.

    False first priority of self is actually a negative image of self too

    when I think about it.

    God first, then others, then yourself = JOY - Jesus, Others, You

    Putting God first brings the greatest blessings and Joy since

    God knows us better than we could ever knows ourselves and

    gives us more than we could ask or think (or could know even

    how/what to ask)!

    This is the truth!

  2. Jesus Christ. he was slain so YOU have the opportunity to be free from the sin that entangles us and sends us straight down the path to eternal damnation...yeah basically. seek first the kingdom of heaven and all else will be given unto you :)

  3. Well Elliott Spitzer was paying $5000 they say.  From what I saw it looked like nice joy.  Ill say $5000.

  4. Self-surrender.

    The price has been paid.

  5. Joy is free, baby!  

    All you have to do is want it..........

  6. Who?  Anybody who doesn't want to bring you joy.

  7. 99 cents.

  8. The dish detergent? I think it's about $2.98 a bottle.

  9. I think joy in your heart is something only you control. Its your personal decision to wake up everyday with a positive outlook. Looking for the good in everything even when it may appear bad.  So in answer to your question, the only cost of joy I think, might be leaving your negitive way of thinking behind.

  10. The price of Joy has either gone up --- or come down depending on how you look at it.

    Joy used to cost maybe ...dinner, a movie a couple of drinks.  Then Joy got married ... and now she's priceless.  

  11. How much does your right hand cost?

    Or are you a lefty?

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