
What is the cost of living in London for one person living in a studio flat: weekly/monthly?

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Including: tax, bills, food.




  1. If you look around on or craigslist, landlords will include that cost into the total rent, well except food but it really depends where you eat.

  2. Its unaffordable if you have to ask.

  3. It really depends on the area. Council taxes really differ a lot. For example:

    120 pounds rent pw

    70 pounds council tax

    another at least 70 pounds a month for bills

    Food - I dont know how much u eat, I spend about 10 to 20 pounds a week, dont eat much, and dont eat healthy food

    Travel - from 15 to 40 pounds a week, depending how f**t you travel

    Going out = that is the worse nightmare!!!

    I spend more money in London than I earn! And I dont go out, eat just cheap rubbish, dont do much shopping, and have!

    Anyway, I am leaving London in two months for good because this is not life!!!

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