
What is the cost of living in Ukraine?

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I was planning to spend a few months in ukraine and was wondering what the cost of renting apartments is in the ukraine as well as things like, taxi`s, car rental.

Also according to wikipedia the average monthly salary is about 1500 UAH however in another yahoo answers thread it was stated that a public teacher makes 80 UAH per month which makes no sense.




  1. A 1 room apartment will cost you roughly $150-250/mo outside of the big cities, and $200-400/mo in big cities. 2 rooms, roughly $200-400 and $300-600.

    This is for average accomodations, and not in the center of the city. Expect much higher prices depending on the specific city, location, if it is a "foreigner apartment" (much nicer), and if you arrange it yourself or through a native friend.

    Average salary, despite what is published on the internet, is about $300/mo (1500 UAH). A teacher makes between $80-175, depending on where they teach and at what level (400-875 UAH).  Unseasoned elementary teachers make on the lower end, while "directors" (principals) and university teachers make the higher end.

    Food has crept up steadily over the past year, and is getting close to on-par with US prices. Meat costs more than in the US, bread and other basics (Russian or Ukrainian) are cheaper. If you buy higher quality US/European products, the cost is about even. Petrol is a little higher than the US, but not much - right around $5.00/gal.

    Taxi's will vary depending on the city, and if you speak Russian or not. A taxi from the Kyiv airport to the city center will cost a native roughly $12, while it will cost an American about $25. The bus is 1.50 UAH (1.25 in some cities, 1.75 in some). The Kyiv metro is about 10 US cents per ride. You don't want to rent a car there... trust me.

    -- Edit --

    I will disagree with Chrodes. If you don't want to live in the center of the city, prices are not that high. Our 2 room apartment in Kyiv (54 sq metres) was $65,000 a year ago. I've seen many new buildings with prices at $1000-1500 per sqaure metre (plus the cost to finish and furnish them).

    A rental on the metro line (outside the city centre) will cost you about $500/mo. In the center, upwards of $1000-2000/mo.

  2. A LOT. In Kyiv you can't buy an apartment for under 250 thousand dollars. Most people live in small apartments with other people (usually their families). My apartment cost my embassy almost 500 thousand, and its not even that impressive. Kyiv has been dubbed the most expensive city in Eastern Europe. But, Ukraine is known for its well made clothes at cheap prices. ;P

    (I live like in the middle of the city, next to Shevchenko park.) So, really expensive.

  3. depends where you live.

    kiev, the capitol, can be expensive.  hotel rooms and aparments are not cheap.

    somepleace like poltava, you can live like a king (relative to you neighbors) for not very much money.

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