
What is the cost of repairing mother board?

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My motherboard INTEL DESKTOP D101GGC got repaired. What is the cost of repairing the board?There is problem in the power panel




  1. It should have a 5 year warranty. If it is within this period, you can claim free service.

    If it is over this period, you may have to bear the actuals.

  2. i guess you will find out when you get the bill

  3. cost is depend on the folt of the mother board.

  4. It depends on the severity and type of damage. I its damaged by lightning or improper use they won't help you. Else these won't repair it because its almost impossible to a mother board repairing quickly. They will give a new one most probably a previously repaired one.

  5. wow... um i used to work at a place where customers would return damaged motherboards. When there was damage to the board it was normally pretty bad. Now i can imagine that if you broke a cap or transistor off it would be repairable but if it was something involving a fried circuit they would probably just give you a new one because its too hard to repair all the layers that might have gotten damaged. In that case they would just give you a new board and charge you for shipping and or w/e labor there was involved in troubleshooting the problem. If you had a warranty it should be free tho... id imagine.

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