
What is the cost to fill in a pool?

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I looked at a house to purchase, but it has one cravate. It has a pool which me and my family do not want to take the time & cost to maintain the pool.

So I was wondering how much is it to fill in the foll and revert back the back yard to its previous state?

Rough guestimate or actual costs if you had it done before would be appreciated.




  1. Are you going to leave the pool intact and just fill it with dirt or break the pool up and bury it or have it hauled away? If you leave it intact, you will have to jackhammer the bottom for drainage, not completely take it out but provide some sort of drainage. Then you will have to bring in dirt to fill it, the amount of dirt is dependant on the size of the pool. You will need a way to get the dirt to the pool, bobcat, tractor, or wheel barrow it in.

    If you are going to break it up, then you will need to consider a backhoe, jackhammer, hauling away and bringing new dirt in. I think to break it up, haul it away and bring in new dirt you are looking at, as the first answer said, $8000-$10000. If you just fill it in that would probably be around $4000-$5000.

  2. I've never had it done personally, but I have a brother-in-law that has.  Theirs was a fair sized pool, with a nice cement apron and a good substantial decorative wooden fence around it.  They had the cement removed, the pool filled in the fence taken down and yard restored, I believe he mentioned an $8-$10,000 figure.

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