
What is the cost to text and call another Verizon phone?

by  |  earlier

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I've been reading other yahoo answer's questions and answers, and it appears that if I (have samsung u740 Verizon) text or call another verizon person (my boyfriend) it is free and doesn't cost extra. My mom disagrees. I do not have unlimited texting or anything, but I know that before I texted too much and had to pay a 50 dollar fee. SoooOOoo, a few questions

1. Does it cost to send text messages to another verizon user (assuming no unlimited or other plan like that)?

2. Does it cost extra to call another verizon user? What about weekends or after 9pm? What about home phones and nonverizon phones?

3. Are picture texts the same as texting cost wise? If you have x amount of texts, does a picture text count as one text?

Thanks for your halp. My mom and I have been arguing and I'd read different answers. If possible please include a reliable website that I can show my mom to prove to her I'm not costing us more (or to apologize for racking up the bill). Really appreciate it!!!




  1. here's the way it works....

    You said you don't have free text messaging therefore no matter if you text a verizon phone, a sprint phone, whatever, there's going to be a charge. As far as calling, that depends on your plans. Most plans (except the very basic one i think) have free mobile to mobile within their plan. Therefore you can call another verizon wireless customer for free. Home phones always cost in minutes. So if you call his house or your house from your cell phone that's going to cost minutes and if you are out of minutes it will cost money. Picture messages usually cost more, and if it's not built into your plan, you pay for EACH message.

    Also, if you are on your mom's plan (if she has a cell phone too) you can call her for free but realize that what she does effects your minutes too. For example let's say you only have 1,000 free minutes, that's not for BOTH phones, that's PERIOD. Therefore if you mom uses 900 of them you only have 100 to play with.

    As far as free nights and weekends go, Verizon starts after 9 therefore if you call at 9:01 it's free. This does not include texting.

    My suggestion for the future, is to ask your mom exactly how many miuntes you guys have and if Texing is on your plan. You may only get 50 text messages free...then you have to pay for the rest, and that's TOTAL. Good luck!

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