
What is the counterculture of the 2000s?

by  |  earlier

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There's been a counterculture for every decade/generation. Obviously, for the 60s it was the drug/hippie movement. But what is todays?




  1. Ahhh...we all just dressed up as John Lennon stated ... shame on us to have political leaders of today!

  2. it was the skater in the early 2000s but in the late 200s it went over to the EMO kid.

  3. we're all Corporate Zombies now ... just look at what the protestors would say in the 1960's, everyday people would yell about their rights and actually know what they're talking about.  Now we're biotches with no impulse toward liberty. We don't protest anything, much less care that we're becoming a police state society. The vast 'punking' of the TSA airport pervert crotch-grabbers is the first relighting of Liberty's torch in a long-long-long time.  Maybe also the Tea Party (but that's mostly the filthy rich eating up on poor people for needing unemployment/food-stamps to pay for their mere basic necessities)

    The PEAK OIL COMMUNITY is probably the counter-culture of the modren age ... organic/local food growing, critical-mass bicycle club, interest in being green, Neo-hippies, etc.  The vast growing "underclass" of Americans who have been kicked to the streets who have said F--- the Consumeristic american nightmare.  How our grandparents were more frugal/thrifty is the new way.

    PERMACULTURE is the ultimate countr-culture (has been for all times/ages) ... Google it!

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