
What is the country to the south of the United states?

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What is the country to the south of the United states?




  1. Mexico.

  2. South America?

  3. WHO are you and can you read a map?

    It's called TEXAS!!!!

    After all, "it  is a whole other country".


  4. Isn't it Mexico?

  5. Mexico

    ...please tell me you knew the answer already

    because if you didn't... wow lol

  6. Mexico? Dominican Rep? Haiti? Jamaica? Cuba? Panama? Belize? Nicaragua? Honduras? Guatemala?

  7. You're kidding ... right?

  8. Many countries are south of the US; can you be more specific?

  9. Canada

  10. Mexico

  11. Mexico, Cuba does not border US it's across Mexican Golf! then maybe after Mexico there is Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama just a few located in Central America. peace!

  12. um are you serious, Mexico, duh!

  13. mexico if u need north canada

  14. England!

  15. That depends on where you are in the U.S.  Normally, people would say Mexico, but Cuba is south of Florida, Canada is south of Alaska, and Australia and New Zealand are sort of south of Hawaii...

  16. It depends where you are your trying to confuse us but were smarter then you HA-HA

  17. I hope this question was either a joke, or you are in the fourth grade. Mexico

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