
What is the creepiest/scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

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  1. I was coming home from work last night. As I was driving, I noticed something in the sky that seemed odd. All of a sudden, a bright light came out of that object, and iluminated my car.

    What ever it was, it took control of the steering wheel, and forced me to turn into a Krystal Restaurant, and order 12 Krystals with extra onions.

    Now my wife can't stand for me to eat onions {I love 'em though}, and of course being the nice guy that I am, I ordinarily would not order those Krystals with onions (gives me gas somthing awful....and I mean awful)!.

    When I got back in my car with a bag full of those 12 Krystals with extra onions, (and mustard), that light from the object in the sky still illuminated my car. I could not get the car to start until I ate EVERY ONE of those Krystals with EXTRA onions and mustard.

    Finally, after finishing off the 12th Krystal, I managed to start my car and drive home. I didn't dare say anything to my wife as I knew she wouldn't beleive me. Later on that night she did suspect something. Hmm

  2. when i almost got laid by a girl in a chicken suit.. no joke!

  3. I interrupted my parents about to indulge in sensual pleasures.  I never got up in the middle of the nite again.  Ahhh! Scary!!

  4. I lived in a haunted house (or at least we thought it was haunted). We would hear weird noises, like people walking around in the attic and things dragging around up there. The people who lived there after us had the same thing happen to them, because they told our preacher's wife about it and she asked my mom. There were also creepy mice that would just sit in the middle of the floor and stare at my mom. They weren't afraid or anything. I still get the heebie-jeebies when I drive past that house.

  5. Get lost in 2022

  6. I don't remember this but when I was 2 my mom lived in this house with me and the lady that lived there before us died in the house. Her son watched over her before sh died. My crib was in her room in the same spot her bed was when she died. Well, i would tell my mom about having conversations with this guyand she thought it was a imaginary friend. One night she heard someone walking on the furnace and thought it was my wasn't it was that lady's son(as a ghost) I had been talking to him like he wa my best friend. It was really weird finding out I talked to a ghost and not really underdstanding he wasn't real. My mom told me he would sit on the air conditioner and talk to me.

  7. i seriously thought about what life would be like i hussein obama were to become president.

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