
What is the cumulative population of mankind since humans evolved?

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What is the cumulative population of mankind since humans evolved?




  1. Humans are still evolving so I guess in the area of 6.6 Billion people.

  2. Homo sapiens fossils go back at least 195,000 years, and the best demographers estimate that from that time forward, at least 120 Billion humans have been born!

  3. There was a steady population until around 200-400 years ago.  The population has been dramatically increasing in the last 100 years and many experts say that the human population created in the last 100 years is equalivant to all the other years before.  So if there are an estimated 7 billion people on the planet I would extrapulate that to 14 billion humans starting 60, 000 years ago.  The population is expected to be 12-14 billion by 2050-2080.  That is why so many people talk about zero population growth.  Statistically the more education one has the less children they have.  It is smart to not have children, although we have a strong animal drive to procreate, but there is also cultural/religious reasons why people feel they must have a child and in some cases many children..

    Short answer: 12-14 billion humans since homo sapien sapien started kicking it in Africa

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