
What is the cure a broken heart?

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What is the cure a broken heart?




  1. A cup of hot herbal tea in your favorite flavor with splenda!  I wish I could do ice dream but I am diabetic

  2. CHOCLATE!! that always works.....and ice cream and anything sweet!!!

    that always works!

  3. Bless and thank the person for all you have learned and how much you grew in the relationship (no need to do this in person if that doesn't work for you--you could do some journaling about it.)

    Then forgive the person.  Christ said to forgive our enemies.  That will mend your heart.

    Then do something kind for someone else--shine your light and it will get brighter.

    You'll be okay.  It takes time and effort.  Keep going.  Things will change--for the better, if you have a positive attitude.  Ya gotta be strong, not pathetic (well, one hour of pathetic is okay).  Your good vibes will attract good vibe situations and people.  Promise!

  4. Go to a dive bar, slam down a gallon of hard liquor and take home someone new.

  5. time is the only thing that will cure a broken heart. trying to get over it by dating someone else or having a one night stand does not work no matter how much u want it to. times the only real healer. but hobbies helped me take my mind of it

  6. Good friends to vent your feelings to or writing in a journal.

  7. Gorilla Glue.  That stuff will hold anything together.

  8. anything that you always like and is always available... like icecream!!! or pokemon :P

  9. rock n roll, don't listen to any of those love songs. believe ti or not rock n roll stimulates positivity when feeling down. works for me.

  10. Time.

    Also, something that you find out years later is it was never a big deal to start with. You were just so obsessed about someone that when they were gone it felt like a piece of you went too. However, the truth is you are still here. Life goes on and you will meet other people.

    If you want to get over someone faster than dwelling on the ending of the relationship. You should try to fill your time with friends or meet someone new.

    No one is worth pining years over in agony. What does that accomplish? Move on and stay sane.

  11. Peggy R got it right: TIME

  12. My d**k ***** lol

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