
What is the cure for gastric problems?

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What is the cure for gastric problems?




  1. have you try indian herbs?

    check that website. you can buy from them too

  2. what kind of gastric problem..?


  4. Bed rest in the hospital and abstinence from smoking promote the healing of gastric ulcers. Milky diets and antacids do not speed the healing but they may help to relieve the symptoms. There has been considerable controversy over the use of special diets. Many clinicians now feel that the person himself is the best judge of what he should eat. It may help to eat regular, frequent meals,avoiding highly seasoned and greasy foods. H2 receptor blocking agents such as cimetidine are generally considered the treatment of choice. Aspirin should be avoided. Surgery may have to be considered in cases that do not respond to medical treatment.

  5. gastric =acid related ,try over the counter medications like gaviscon ,if they dont work for you u might need some investigations and endoscopy to exclude ulcer related or gastritis and appropriate medication upon

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