
What is the cure to cancer?

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just wondering




  1. There is no guaranteed cure for any cancer.

    The problem with finding a cure is that cancer is not a single disease, it's an umbrella term for over 200 different diseases. The difficulty with finding a cure is that different cancers are caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them They all respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them, so there isn't a magic bullet that cures all cancers and there never will be. Nobody will ever 'discover' a miraculous single substance or procedure that will cure all cancers.

    But quite a few cancers can already be cured: seven out of ten children are cured of cancer; testicular cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all be cured in adults with chemotherapy, most skin cancers are cured with surgery and many cases of thyroid cancer and cancer of the larynx are cured with radiotherapy. Many other types of cancer are also cured if they are found early enough.

    Much progress is being made and there is dedicated - and underfunded - work going on to find to find more effective treatments. Rather than a Eureka! moment, there will be steady advances in reversing some types of cancer, controlling others and improving medications.

    Anyone who claims there is already a 'cure' for all cancers is deluded or after your money

  2. We have cures for some cancers. Look at Lance Armstrong's web site.

    Cancer is a general term for 200 plus different diseases.

    Over half of people diagnosed with cancers are being cured now - mostly with surgery but also with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these different treatment modalities as in Lance's case of widespread testicular cancer.

    How close are we to finding cures for every one of these diseases?

    No one can say. The different cures will be learned in steps just as they have been over the past half century.

    The best way to manage "cancer" is to prevent the ones that are clearly associated with our lifestyles. If we all stopped smoking, we could eliminate most (~90%) of lung cancers which cause more death than any other cancer type.

    Asking about a "cure to cancer" is like asking when there will be a cure for "Infection". There are many many types of infections that can cause disease and death.

  3. cancer is caused from, toxins in the body, nutritional deficiencies and electromagnegtic chaos and emotional stress., so one should find a naturalcare doctor who specializes in cancer. in the meantime there is extra virgin coconut oil and nutrition juices everywhere. you should try some.

  4. Removal of cancerous cells or cancerous tumour with an operation, or treatment with either chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

    My Mum had both the operation and the radiotherapy to make sure it doesn't spread.

  5. Demand it to die!

  6. Medical advances have been amazing over the past 20 years.

    There are no oils, potions, etc that cure cancer.

    A good oncologist is your first resource if you have been diagnosed. They are qualified to help you choose the best course of treatment for the type of cancer.

    Of course some cancer is heridity - some are still unknown.

    Preventative measures can help - have a physical, maintain a healthy weight and excercise. Try to find ways to keep your stress to a normal level.

    Enjoy life - you never know whats around the corner...

    Hope this helps.

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