
What is the current, & projected climate for the Los Barrilles and Buena Vista Beach, Mexico, for Jan, 08?

by Guest44900  |  earlier

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What is the current, & projected climate for the Los Barrilles and Buena Vista Beach, Mexico, for Jan, 08?




  1. You can click on the link and it will tell you this--12. Which months would you say are the coolest at the hotel, and what is the temperature range then?

    During December, January and February, daytime high temperatures are usually up to high 80s and it is at its coldest during dawn, which can be as cold as in the low 60's.

    Just go down to #12 on the list and it will show you the weather during the winter months.

    Sandra, here is another website I found concerning temperatures.

    Sandra, I called this one number and they said it gets around 60, maybe in the 50's at night but it's usually up in the 70's during the daytime.  The phone number is 1-800-919-2252.

    Also, try this link and click on weather.  See what place is closest to where you are planning on going.  The drawback is the best they do is a projected ten day forecast.

    I hope this helps you out.

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