
What is the current PC term for dark-skinned people?

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I don't want to offend people, so I'd like to use the term that the most people find the most appropriate.

I have asked different dark-skinned people what they prefer, and have heard many different answers:

a) Never call us 'black,' we prefer AfricanAmerican.

b) I'm not from Africa (maybe family comes from Caribbean or somewhere else), so don't call me African-American. I'm black American.

c) Don't care as long as it's not the N word

d) I've even heard a few people say they want to be called 'negros'...I thought that was long ago decided to be offensive?

Lots of organizations say 'Black Americans' or 'African Americans'...which is more appropriate?

I find it hard to call Americans 'African-Americans' unless they are first or second generation -from- an African country...

So...what is most appropriate these days, and what is not?

What's the least offensive? If I refer to someone as 'dark-skinned' is that acceptable?




  1. According to the media, the most P.C. term these days is African American. But to me, it's a misnomer. I personally prefer black.

    But what I would *really* prefer is for us to stop categorizing and hyphenating and prefixing and just call everyone American or by our first names. The most polite thing is to call someone by name.

  2. I like negroids (sounds like hemorrhoids).

    In Australia ours are called Indigenous Australians, not at all patronizing is it?

    Why can't you call them what they call themselves, you know the 'N' word.... Nigerian?

  3. I dont like being made to feel like I dont belong where I live, or that I am just a guest, so I prefer a color description. People argue that nationality labels are just descriptive but you can tell that they have underlying ideas of one belonging to that land

    I think it is females that dont like to be decribed as dark, and thats fair enough, whilst men have a need for a certain degree of authority which cannot be afforded to a person of only guest status

  4. ya, it changes all the time.  actually, African American is OUT now.  I've heard black is back in.







    that's what seems popular in Los Angeles, at least...

  5. I tend to just use 'black.' I have some friends that are black and they dont seem to complain. But I really don't know about others. Mabe you should just stick with dark-skinned. Well, anyway, some of them do call us white!!

  6. why does this matter to you so much? i guess i just refer to someone as black, because african/american sounds too stiff.

  7. Good Question. I am sick and tired of this PC c**p. We are all African Americans. Read history, the first humans came from Africa according to scientist. So technically we are all African Americans.

    But, I get offended when an African American decides to throw the race card at me, because they can! If you ask 10 African Americans what they want to be called, they will all give you different answers. They don't f*cken know!

    If you call a white person white, does he jump on your *** and say, " I want to be called Irish American not white, you better watch your mouth." or Italian American, or Irish with a little french and German American? No!

    There are very few true blood anyway.  It is getting worse everyday. People are so afraid of offending one another it is a joke. What ever happen to assimilation?

    So lets face it, this was all brought about to identify each other from each other. It is racial classification. NOT RACIEST! they are two separate things. The birds are birds, the cows are cows then we dived them up in categories by easily distinguishable features and give other names. Like black bird, red wing bird, blue bird.

    Oh, ****, hold on! my pet blue bird just snapped at me in his cage and said, " who you calling BLUE, mutha fuka? my bad.I mean bird who is black winged with tips that are bluish, American bird. Sorry, he watches too much t.v.

    Where was I ? oh, yeh. It is all just to identify people by easily distinguishable features as a society. That is all.

    If you ask me I think we should make up new names for all races so that it is not a problem.  

  8. Why refer to them at all by giving a description other than their name?  Would you like to always be thought of as the "white gal"?  I'm probably sounding lofty and idealistic.  I can tell you're just concerned with not offending.  The last time I heard from a black friend was that she preferred "black".  But I really don't think of her as that as much as "my crazy friend with the neat sense of humor."  Someone once referred to my father as "crippled" and I felt shocked.  I had never thought of him that way, although he  did use a cane,  because of a stroke.  So,  I suppose it is important to be pc.  However  sometimes I think that in attempting to always be pc makes us concentrate even more on our differences than our many things in common.  I'm thinking you have asked a good question for discussion.

  9. if they are from america most of them are african-americans but im black and people call me the black guy all the time and i dont mind as long it aint the "n" word! but for people that are from jamaica and other carribean countrys they are carribean-american mon!

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