
What is the current converion rate from the American Dollar to Skittles in Quang Binh?

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What is the current converion rate from the American Dollar to Skittles in Quang Binh?




  1. A Dollar a Skittle (Dollar ia at Rock Bottom)....LOL....!!

  2. 10 dollars gets you a monkey, and one monkey gets you a date with Guido.

    Does that help?

    PS The monkey ate your Skittles! Ha ha!

  3. 4 packages to the dollar

  4. Punky knows this stuff. I don't have a clue. I still have 12 cases of Skittles so I feel like a rich man...

  5. Bah...Skittles. Everyone knows it's the Sour Skittles that will soon dominate the market.

  6. I don't know Skittles so I will be nice and say there isn't enough American dollahs...

  7. I think it's 100 Skittles to a dollar. It fluctuates a lot. :)

  8. 10 dollars for a date with Guido? i like this place, lots.

  9. The exchange rate is as follows:

    1 CDN dollar = 16,450 Dong (approx)

    16,450 Dong = 1 US penny

    1 pack of Skitter = 500,000 Dong

    1 case of Skitter make you like, God.

  10. The rates are complicated and complex.

    For example;

    1. 27 red ones=1.37 U S dollars.

    2. 16 blue ones= 67 cents

    3 20 purple ones= 5.00 U S


  11. 69 skittles to the dollar

  12. The Dheng Penh market closed at  a record high of 61 Skittles per USD, after breaking news that Chinese imports of Skittles were tainted with phenols, chicken testes and polyvinyl chloride plastics by-products.

    Good time to BUY if you're into  PVC.

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