
What is the current feminist view on the likes of FHM/Loaded/Nuts? It seems every female celeb is desperate...

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0 LIKES UnLike get a photo shoot in such mags.

Even Chloe Madeley did a recent shoot. Apparently Richard & Judy were very proud.




  1. I think personally that these mags are utter c**p.

    And I hate the adverts, making women out to be incapable of doing simple household tasks, and reccomending that men look at soft p**n in Nuts magazine instead of helping out theor real-life girlfriend.

    And almost any woman making a name for herself as an actress or whatever has to be stripped, pored over, assessed, and deemed worthy or unworthy purely on how good she looks in a bikini and how much she seems to "want it."

    In fact "wanting it" and not being "a dog" seems to be these mags whole criteria for whether or not a woman is judged worthwhile. Perpetuating the myth that women who look pretty "want it" from men they have never met seems a little dangerous to me.

    And don't even get me started on the judging people part...

    Just wrong on so many levels, not least because they treat men like idiots and slobs.

  2. They probably despise it, and they will go back to their junk read on how men should have the right d**k size and be the perfect man when it's near impossible.

  3. Have you ever noticed that the covers of both Maxim and Cosmo feature scantily-clad women? Something to consider.

    Anyway, I think it's sad that p**n of any core has become so mainstream. It's even sadder when female athletes and politicians (i.e. Belinda Stronach, Canadian MP) feel the need to pose in those mags. Can't they be celebrated for what they do anymore?

  4. They are what they are, people making money from sexual desire.

  5. Lads mags are filled with total misogyny. They almost seem designed to break the spirit of respect and cooperation between the sexes. I sometimes wonder if their agenda is to make their readers attitudes so abhorrent to women  that they will never be able to have sexual relationships with them,  - so that they keep having to buy the magazine to look at sexual pictures of women instead.

    Their motto: Take s*x away from the people and sell it back to them!

    The phenomenon of women clamouring to get in these magazines is not because suddenly women like being degraded, its just a pragmatic approach to getting ahead in a sexist world.

  6. Well, they don't get any of my consumer dollar but I would say that most feminists regard the fact that women can choose whether or not to grace the pages of such publications as the essential point.

    Cheers :-)

  7. Are those mags still around? Well, with the authoritative recommendation of d**k and Judy, who can argue?

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