
What is the current price for diesel and gas in Mexico?

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What is the current price for diesel and gas in Mexico?




  1. Hey! I am from Mexico, and currently the price per litre of the Pemex Magna gasoline which is the least expensive one is about $6 Mexican Pesos (3 litres is about a gallon, and $6 Pesos is about 60 Canadian cents, so it would be like about 1.80 Canadian Dollars per gallon) which is about $18 Pesos.

    The most expensive one (Pemex Premium) is about $8 Pesos per litre (about $24 Pesos per gallon) or something like 2.40 Canadian Dollars per gallon. Notice that price of gas here is done by litres and not gallons. Diesel here is very cheap, only like $5 Pesos per litre (or $15 Pesos per gallon)  1.50 Canadian Dollars per gallon. Gas is a-lot less expensive here in Mexico than the USA, because I remember like ten years ago, we visited Dallas, and it was like 99 cents USD per gallon, know I have watched in the news that it is like 3.80 USD per gallon for the cheapest gasoline.

  2. Go here and find out:

  3. In Tijuana, as of 1 February 2008:

    Pemex Magna Sin (unleaded regular, 87 Octane): 7.41 pesos per litre

    Pemex Premium (91 Octane): 8.21 pesos per litre

    3.78 litres per gallon, 10.70 pesos per US Dollar

    Pemex (Petroleos Mexicanos) is the only brand of gas in Mexico. Mexico nationalized the oil industry in 1938.

    Cheapest gas in San Diego: $2.85 / gallon for regular at CostCo

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