
What is the current price of petrol/gas where you live?

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What is the current price of petrol/gas where you live?




  1. In Fl. $3.13 to days ago. ( regular gas unleaded )

    In God I trust.

  2. I live in Texas and have my own well, so Zero.

  3. £1.059 for petrol £1.119 for diesel per litre

    thats about $10 per gallon.... This is why I drive a VW Polo that does 40mpg ;)

  4. $2.98 gallon

    Buckeye, AZ

  5. I live in Las Vegas, NV and gas is currently at $3.09 a gallon.  Thank You Mr. Bush!

  6. $1.40 per litre. AUS.

  7. $3.37 Chicago area.

  8. It went from $3.01 Thursday to $3.29 Friday.

  9. £1.029 per litre (4.54609 litres to the gallon)

  10. $2.99 PER GALLON

  11. $3.07 a gallon

  12. In NJ, we're paying $2.99/ gallon, but we've only got 11 more months of GWB.

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