
What is the current situation in Israel/Palestine?

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Like, what's going on? Are people being killed? Are weapons being fired? Are things being discussed? The last thing I heard was that Israel ran a practice with their air force.




  1. Hi :) Welcome back to a quieter Israel.

    Israel is negotiating to get its captives back from Hezbollah and from Hamas controlled Gaza.

    I hope nobody is being killed.

    There were 2 rocket attacks on day 3 and day 5 of truce I have not heard of any more. IIRC it was Al Aqsa martyrs brigade that fired the rockets from Gaza and Hamas vowed in the truce to keep them reigned in.

    Air Force exercise it is nothing new.


  2. yeah just the usual. israeli army trying to show how powerful they are with their weapons and being a bully

  3. look it up.

    help me please?? *sniff*;...

  4. israel should stop negotiating with militias and terror groups cause it makes them stronger.

    then again, its allah's will allah jihad allahh jihad durka durka muhammad!

  5. Israel is occupying  other people land and to maintain the occupation they kill all kind of people.

  6. The Hamas freedom fighters are committed to the truce and are taking efforts to ensure it is not violated. They are negotiating with other Palestinian freedom fighters (resistance movements)

    Food and other goods deliveries into Gaza City to resume soon

    The Iranians have warned of the consequences in the event they are attacked. They have dismissed the recent airstrike practice (like you say) as psychological attempts.

    A 17 year old Palestinian kid was killed during protests in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. He was shot in the head. He was promptly declared a "militant" by his killers.

    The latest killing of the 17 year old Palestinian kid brings to 519 the number of Palestinians killed since November 2007

  7. Ok the answer to all those questions are yes. Thousands are being killed, not just killed but tortured, raped, and hurt, even when they didn't do anything. Most of the people are people who aren't fighting in the war.'

    Where have you been all this time?

    Edit: I'm gonna laugh at whoever says no. Ha!

  8. yes Israel is running violent background checks on Christians and Muslims especially in West Bank

  9. The ersatz israeli army have been killing innocent civilians to try to break the will of the Palestinian people.

    Essential, if they can get the Palestinians to leave, they can take over the land.

    This has been their plan for 60 years.  The embarrassment for zionists is that they have failed; and in the process, they have broken the laws of God and man.  They have sunk below the actions of Hitler and the n**i party.  The globe has turned against them, and the tide is taking them out to deeper water.

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