
What is the current situation in the Middle East???

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Where is the American troops located at this present time and what are their intentions? How long would Israel and Iran take to start the war in the middle east. If Barrack Obama wins the upcoming elections, where will the Bush regime stand? Will there be any war before the next president is elected?




  1. Current situation is extremely unstable. There will be a war before Bush leaves office. Israel will bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, Iran will retaliate, and Bush will go to the rescue Israel is positive that Bush will aid them, and Bush wants the war anyway. Israel is not sure that Obama will give them the go-ahead to bomb, so it will be done before Bush leaves office. What a mess! There is something else at play here also-A war with Iran will aid in the election of McCain as president- He is seen as a better leader in a war, plus it will help keep the public's mind off the many troubles in the economy, the job loses and the high price of energy.

  2. The current situation in the Middle East is fine. People having lunch and working.Camels walking slowly out on the desert. Kids playing football in the sun. Its a good day.

    The only people who are upset are the stupid foreigners

    and war mongers. A blot on the landscape.

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