
What is the current state of infanticide in India?

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What is the current state of infanticide in India?




  1. Female infanticide in India

    Infanticide in India occurs mostly among poor, rural populations. Daughters are considered economic burdens because of the high cost of weddings and dowries, while sons provide income, and are seen as type of insurance by their parents. New prenatal s*x-determination techniques, such as ultrasound, have led to an increase in the abortion of female foetuses rather than female infanticide. Female infanticide and abortion have increased in recent years as women opt for smaller families. In India the s*x ratio is 93 women for every 100 men, but in some regions there are fewer than 85 women per 100 men. Research carried out at a Mumbai (formerly Bombay) hospital revealed in 1995 that for every aborted male, there were 1,000 aborted females.

  2. It's getting better. Infanticide methods are getting more efficient and humane every day!

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