
What is the current status of metro manila in terms of it's sanitation?is there any improvement or none?

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plz....i need the answer till 2m(july 28, 2008).....pls help me...




  1. It's getting worse.

  2. I dont think it has gotten any better, but compare it from before, the Philippines has slightly improved. People are now knowledgeable on how to dispose their waste, although, not all are vigilant in practicing the right way.

    These links might be helpful for your study.

  3. sanitation? okay, so in general. there are improvements, bayani fernando just said that they have provided more drainage and pumps to lessen flood in the metro, the pink urinals also contributed. but over-all there have been more problems. in terms of waste management and plasces to dump it. dumpsites! well, the problem is the government have provided these bad-aid solutions that doesnt directly solve the problem of sanitation. there have been landfills but, its management is worst than ever. USUALLY these landfills are not covered to protect from its contamination, there have beeb even landfills or dumpsites inside a residential area in laguna de bay(a community of 125,000 people

    these are facts based on a study of ADB (Asian Development Bank) "GARBAGE BOOK"

    Some 1500 tons DAILY is dumped ILLEGALLY on private land in rivers, creeks, Manila Bay OR OPENLY BURNED adding to the heavily polluted air shed

    in the next 30 years, MM will generate OVER 70MILLION TONS OF SOLID WASTE and this will require a line of waste trucks going three times round the earth and over halfway to the moon

    Of 17 cities and municipalites, 11 CONTRACT OUT garbage to the private sector and ONLY 6 COLECT GARBAGE THEMSELVES.

    in the next 30 years MM will generate over 230 MILLION CUBOC METERS OF SOLID WASTE an amount equates to

    a "knee deep" layer of waste over the entire metropolis over 630 square kilometers which would fill the country's largest shopping mall over 175 TIMES

    based on leachate sampling, RODRIGUEZ and payatas generate an estimated 26 KILOGRAMS OF LEAD(a neurotoxin) and 76KILOGRAMS OF ARSENIC annually, which are released into the groundwater, rivers, lakes and bay of Metro Manila

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