
What is the current status of tigers in the world?

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What is the current status of tigers in the world?




  1. VERY VERY VERY BAD!!!!! It too late for many species already, and others are following suit...RAPIDLY!

  2. Today an estimated 5,000 tigers are left in the world with numbers dwindling and the situation seemingly out of control.

    According to television's Discovery Channel, only five species of tiger are left on our planet and all are threatened with extinction. Fast disappearing is the Bengal tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Indo-Chinese tiger, the South China tiger and the Siberian tiger (Pantherus tiger) the largest cat in the world!

    Unless people begin to act more responsibly towards the world's endangered creatures, many more will become extinct. Not many years from now you may find the tiger may simply be a zodiac sign to be used to check your horoscope.

    oh and ive just read, not sure if its up to date but apparently there are only 50 white tigers left in the world!!

  3. Tigers are extremely endangered around the world.  This is due to trophy hunting, poaching, loss of natural habitat, etc... Yes there are breeding programs at some zoos, but these animals then remain in captivity --- what a horrible life for any creature.  Many species are endangered, being wiped from the face of Mother Earth.  We have seen Eagles, Wolves, Rhinos, Elephants, Tigers, Lions (the list goes on and on) pushed to the brink.  We must remember that we are all inter-related, inter-dependent, inter-connected.  When the last animal, plant, etc. is wiped from the face of Mother Earth, then so shall we be.  

  4. Bad, and it doesn't help if we have captive breeding, if there is no place to live.  Humans are quickly encrouching into wilderness where tigers live.  China is attacking tigers for pharmaceuticals and is severely hampering conservationist activity in siberia and CHina, as well as other areas.  In souther Asia, population is growinand people are moving into the forest

  5. the bengal tigers are endangered more the the orange and black tigers

  6. wild....really wild

  7. population dwindling fast in the wild, because they are victims of poachers, who use their skins and other body parts, sold to places like China for medicinal purposes. In captivity probably sustainable, but unless someone does something soon, there won't be any left in the wild to go and see.  

  8. There are several places where they are being bred and the population maintained.

  9. The current staus of Tigers in the world is very poor. Although there are places that are breeding tigers there are alot more places where they are being killed. In india the sale of a whole bengal tiger is enough money to keep a family of four going for two years.

    There are not enough places that teach keeping the tigers are alive is worth more because they will get tourists visit year on year than killing them and making money form them just once.

    The tiger population is in a terrible state and if things carry on the way they are they WILL not might become extinct in the wild.

    Its a huge challenge to change the way people think about tigers as well. Its not just about setting up a reserve and breeding a couple, although dont get me wrong this is very positive,  its about changing the attitudes people have had for 100s of years.

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