
What is the cutest/funniest thing your child has ever said?

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what is the cutest thing your child has ever said? or the cutest thing they ever did? or the funniest?




  1. When we went shopping once my daughter saw a baby laying on his tummy and you could see his butt so as loud as she could she yelled "MAMA BUTT.... MAMA BUTT....MAMAAAAAA BUTTTTTTT" my answer through gasps of laughter was yes honey thats a butt. Just little things like that always get me. Shes 19 months old and her vocabulary is just recently jumping my leeps and bounds.  

  2. When my son was old enough to start bathing with my daughter the first time we put him in with her he grabbed a handful of her hair and wouldn't let go.  She screamed bloody murder.  after we got his hand free they started playing in the tub like nothing happened and that is when she grabbed a cup full of water and dumped it on his head.

    Also once we were shopping and my mother pointed to a bra and asked my three year old if she wanted it that is when my daughter pulled up her shirt and pointed to her chest and goes no me-ma i have little ones

  3. I have a wedgie in my butt cheeks!

  4. My 3 year old twins are a constant source of amusement for me.

    They have both recently become fascinated with Mirrors, they love making faces and watching themselves in the mirror.

    The other day I was in the bathroom drying my hair and my daughter Cara was in the room with me. The door was closed and on the back of the door we have a full length mirror which Cara was (of course) entirely absorbed in. So I finished drying my hair and opened the door to leave the room to find my other little girl Bambi standing on the other side of the door. The look on Cara's face was priceless as she tried to figure out if she was still looking in the mirror or at her sister.

    Also, another one I thought of.

    At one point we were having some issues with Bambi and Cara staying in their own beds at night.

    Cara was easy, she gave in pretty quickly and stayed in her own bed. Bambi on the other hand was having a difficult time and after she had gotten out of bed and had us put her back a few times she was crying like mad. I was watching from where they couldn't see me and all of a sudden Cara got up out of bed and went over and lay down next to her sister and hugged her and said, "It's okay sister"

    I could have cried, it was so sweet!

  5. When my son was two his was going to the shopping mall with his father.  My friend asked what they were going to the mall for.  My son looked up and said "to scope the babes".

    Then he looked at his dad and said "let's blow this pop stand".

  6. One time, my daughter, who is 5, was standing on the couch looking out the window. Out of the blue she states "That guy is a redneck!" I asked how she knew if he was a redneck or not. And I remember she turned to look at me, and she had this look like "Duh mom" and she says "Because his neck is red!"

  7. Here's a few:  My daughter jumped into her baby tub which I hadn't dumped yet with all her clothes on so she could play with her toys when she was about 19 months old.  Whenever her baby brother cries she tells me to "Just feed him."  Gosh!  There's more but I can't think right now.

    I thought of more:  my 3 1/2 year old daughter tries to breastfeed her babies.  It's so cute.  

    Also, one day I heard her singing to her brother who is 4 months old and thought how cute until I listened to the words she was singing which were "I put water on your hair."  And then I noticed she was filling up a little cup with water and pouring water on his head while he was sitting in his bouncer and just singing away.  Now, when I wash her hair, I see her silly song to her.

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