
What is the cutest/funniest thing your kids do?

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the cutest thing for me is when they do things on purpose to get each other in trouble and sent to time out and 5 minutes later they feel bad and go to the time out corner when they think im not looking and hug each other and sneak each other toys to play with.

its so cuuute.

have any stories???




  1. well my son is just funny all the time but now he has learned to pull his diper off and takes off crawling down the hall then will stop mid crawl turn his head and laugh..he is 10 months old!!!!  and my neice is really a cute and funny kid she is 3 and if she gets hurt or gets in trouble she will say " bless my little heart, ooh poor me!!!" i think is sooo cute!!

  2. Well, the other day my fiance and I were giving my neice a bath, she is 3....anyway we got her out got her dressed and she wanted her hair dryed like a big girl. So we brushed it and dryed it and she stood up on the bathroom counter and stared at herself for a good 10 seconds and finally replied "it looks just like a wig!" hahahahah we don't have any kids yet so my neice and nephew give us good laughs. Also one time i took my neice with my fiance and I to go to the store, well while we were there, my neice being 3, saw a lady wearing a black jogging suit and had most likely been a victom of cancer due to the black scarf on her head, well my neice, as we are standing in line, notices the lady is behind us and screams "A WITCH, A WITCH, A WITCH, UNCLE JASON WHERE IS HER BROOM, SHE LOST HER BROOM." I was completely mortified!!!! Thankfully the lady thought that she was adorable and didn't at all take it personally. Thank goodness she understood children's innocence!!!!!! But we are considering cutting back on how much s****. Doo my neice watches now!!! lol, love the age of 3!

  3. My son he is 3 years old and he follows us to the potty. We always give him praise when he uses the potty. So when mommy or daddy goes #1 or #2 he says "yeah mommy, you went potty like a big boy" or "Daddy you went potty like a big boy" either way mommy and daddy are big boys lol.

    Also he kisses our boo boos if we get hurt. Or he will kiss his own boo boo.

  4. one time my son left his condom on my bed

  5. Wow, So many.

    I would have to say one of my favs is

    My now 9 year old was 4@ the time.

    I was very pregnant with my youngest daughter.

    At the time I was addicted to THE BABY STORY ... ( the show that shows woman having their babys)

    Well, of course she watched it right along with me everyday almost all day.

    Well, One day I was having trouble using the bathroom.

    With her being 4 she followed me everywhere, including the restroom.

    This day she was standing there watching me try to use the bathroom(#2) and I was making a little noice. (grunting, groaning.. etc.. )

    This sweet little baby girl girl looks terrified and looks at me with concern and says  " Mama, I think your having your baby"

    OMG I couldnt help but just laugh out loud,,,

    From then on I limited what we watched on THE BABY STORY!...



  6. Aw thats cute, and its nice to see them getting along isnt it :)

    My daughter is a year old, she knocks her bottle or something on the floor then says "Uh Oh" its adorable. Or when she takes something soft like a blanket and puts her head on it then says "Awwww" :)

    I can keep going but we could be here all night lol

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